Primary elections for regional governors and mayors will be held in 16 regions and 32 communes, respectively, across the country.
The sole candidates of political alliances or pacts will be chosen that will face the final election scheduled for the April 11, 2021.
The independents and the registered members of each party belonging to the political pacts that opted for this modality regulated by the Electoral Service can vote.
“Independents and members of political parties may vote who have electoral domicile in the regions or communes in which the pact where their party participates presents candidates. The affiliates will only be able to vote in the election of the pact of which their party is a part, therefore, they will receive the electoral cards with the candidates only of their pact. Instead, the independents will receive the ballots with all the candidates and will be able to vote for any of them ”, clarifies the Servel on its website.
In the communes that are in quarantine, the Government announced that people will be able to leave their homes to carry out this procedure without the need for a permit. But that does not authorize them, for example, to enter to carry out other activities such as going to supermarkets, where they will not be able to enter without the required Carabineros document.
With this panorama, we tell you in which regions and communes this electoral process will take place and which are the pacts that dispute it.
Regional Governor Primaries
The regions that present candidates and the pacts are:
-Arica and Parinacota: Constituent Unit
-Tarapacá: Broad Front, Constituent Unit and Chile Vamos
-Antofagasta: Constituent Unit and Chile Vamos
-Atacama: Constituent Unit and Chile Vamos
-Coquimbo: Constituent Unit and Chiwe are going to
-Valparaíso: Broad Front and Constituent Unit
-Metropolitan: Broad Front and Constituent Unit
-O’Higgins: Constituent Unit
-Maule: Constituent Unit and Chile Vamos
-Nuble: Constituent Unit
-Biobío: Constituent Unit
-La Araucanía: Constituent Unit and Ecologists and Independents
-The rivers: Constituent Unit and Chile Vamos
-The lakes: Broad Front and Constituent Unit
-Aysén: Constituent Unit and Chile Vamos
-Magallanes and Antarctica: Constituent Unit
Mayor primaries
As for mayors, the 32 cities that offer primaries to define their candidates are:
Iquique region:
-Iquique: Chile Come on
Antofagasta Region:
-Antofagasta: Chile Come on
Copiapó region:
-Copiapo: Chile Come on
-Fallen: Chile Come on
Coquimbo region:
-Coquimbo: Chile Come on
Valparaíso Region:
-Panquehue: Chile Come on
-Putaendo: Wide Front
-Quilpué: Wide Front
-Santo Domingo: Chile Come on
-Valparaíso: Chile Come on
-German Villa: Wide Front
-Viña del Mar: Wide Front
-With with: Chile Come on
Metropolitan region:
-Cycks: Chile Come on
-The Cistern: Chile Come on
-Lo Barnechea: Chile Come on
-Maipú: Broad Front and Ecologists and Independents
-Normal shape: Frente Amplio and Chile Vamos
-San Miguel: Wide Front
-Vitacura: Chile Come on
-Until: Frente Amplio and Chile Vamos
-Pain: Chile Come on
O’Higgins Region:
-Coltauco: Chile Come on
-Machalí: Chile Come on
-Christmas: Chile Come on
-Demand: Chile Come on
Maule Region:
-Curicó: Chile Come on
-San Javier: Chile Come on
Bio bio region:
Chiguayante: Ecologists and Independents
San Pedro de la Paz: Chile Come on
Ñuble Region:
Chillan Viejo: Chile Come on
Araucania region:
-Lonquimay: Chile Come on
-Father the Houses: Chile Come on
-Temuco: Chile Vamos y Ecologistas e Independientes
River region:
-Corral: Chile Come on
Aysén region:
-Coyhaique: Chile Come on