Eight days after the results of the presidential election were announced in the United States, Donald Trump has not yet acknowledged his defeat to Joe Biden. Although it seems close to doing so, with small signs or successive lapses.
“He won because the election was rigged,” the president tweeted on Sunday morning, referring to former vice president Barack Obama.
Thus, Trump again evoked his hypothesis of a massive fraud, which has not been supported by any specific element.
But the first two words of his tweet (“He won”, “He won”) attracted attention because it is the first time he has said them after the announcement of results.
On Friday, Trump referred for the first time – albeit half – to the victory of his Democratic adversary by hinting, before retracting, that he would no longer be at the forefront of the management of the coronavirus crisis after January 20 , day of the presidential inauguration.
The results of all the states have already been announced by the big television networks of the country. Biden got 306 electoral votes, against 232 for the outgoing president: just the same figures, but in reverse, as in the victory of the Republican magnate – then described by him as a “tidal wave” – against Hillary Clinton in 2016.
And several local and national electoral authorities, including the cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency (CISA), which depends on the Ministry of Homeland Security, have directly refuted the accusations of irregularities made by the president.
“The election on November 3 was the safest in the history of the United States,” they said in a joint statement.
“There is no evidence of a voting system that has been deleted, lost or changed ballots, or that it has been hacked in any way.”