The president of the USA, Donald trump, insisted this Thursday that there will be a vaccine against Covid-19 “in a matter of weeks”, while the Democratic candidate Joe biden, warned that the country awaits “a dark winter” due to the pandemic, and its rival “does not have a clear plan.”
The two candidates drew a completely different picture of the challenge facing the country from the pandemic at the beginning of the second and last debate prior to November 3 elections, in Nashville (Tennessee).
“I think (there will be a vaccine) in weeks, and it will be distributed very quickly (…) It is ready”Trump said.
Asked by the moderator of the debate, Kristen welker, the president acknowledged that He has no “guarantees” that the vaccine will be distributed within that period, but he immediately insisted that he believes that it will arrive “before the end of the year”, despite the fact that many scientists point rather to 2021.
Asked about which pharmaceutical company will get it, Trump replied: “Johnson and Johnson he is doing very well, Modern he is doing very well, Pfizer it is doing very well “, and also cited the clinical trials that are being developed in Europe.
Trump was confident that he would be able to announce a vaccine before the November elections, but it has already been clear that the clinical trials taking place in his country will not have this preparation ready by that date.

“We cannot shut down our nation,” President Trump said. Photo: EFE
For his part, Biden accused Trump of not assuming “responsibility” for the impact of the pandemic in the United States, the country in the world with the most cases of Covid-19 (8,404,524) and with more than 220,000 deaths, and sentenced: “Anyone who is responsible for so many deaths should not remain president.”
“We are about to enter a dark winter, and he does not have a clear plan” to combat Covid-19, stressed the Democratic candidate.
“(Trump) says people are learning to live with this. Unbelievable! We are dying with this.”added.
The president replied that he does not believe that the United States will have a dark winter “at all,” and insisted: “We cannot close our nation.”

“(Trump) does not have a clear plan” against Covid-19, underlined the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden. Photo: EFE
Trump Biden singled out each other during the presidential debate of receiving money from foreign governments, some accusations that both denied.
Trump took advantage of the last face to face in front of Biden to accuse his Democratic rival of having received money from Russia, having put his son Hunter in a Ukrainian gas company and having facilitated business for his brothers in places like Iraq.
“Joe got 3.5 million dollars from Russia and it came from (Vladimir) Putin because he was very friendly with the former mayor of Moscow and was the wife of the mayor of Moscow, and you got 3.5 million dollars, “said the president.
Biden, who denied having received “a penny” from foreign governments, replied that his son’s business in Ukraine was “ethical”.
“The guy who got into trouble in Ukraine was this (Trump), who tried to bribe the Ukrainian government to say something negative about me, which they didn’t do,” Biden said of the episode that led to the president’s impeachment.
“I have not received a penny from any foreign government in my life”, added the former vice president of Barack Obama between 2009 and 2017 and recalled that Trump pays more taxes abroad than in the United States and that he has a secret bank account in China.
Trump, however, defended that the account was active between 2013 and 2015 when it was dedicated to real estate business and also defended having “prepaid millions of dollars” in taxes before reaching the Presidency, although he did not present anything to prove it.
“I have already prepaid millions of dollars in taxes, no one had told me”said Trump, assuring that it was the decision of his accountants and that he was barely informed of it last week.

Photo: EFE
In another part of the debate, Joe Biden called the policy of separating migrant families “criminal”while the president Donald Trump defended that his government “treats very well” the 545 children whose parents have not yet located after implementing that measure.
“It is something criminal (…) It makes us the laughing stock of the world and violates all concepts of who we are as a nation”Biden said of the separation of families on the border with Mexico.
The former vice president thus commented on the news that, more than two years after Trump implemented his policy of separating undocumented families at the border, the lawyers who are handling the case have still not managed to locate the fathers and mothers of at least 545 minors taken from their parents.
Trump assured that his government is “trying very seriously” to locate the parents of these minors, despite the fact that it is not true that their Executive is looking for them, but that those who do are lawyers and human rights groups selected by a court.
“We are treating them so well, they are in facilities that are so clean,” Trump said of the children separated from their parents.
The president also denounced that “The children have been brought by coyotes and many bad people”, something that Biden immediately refuted, insisting that they came “with their parents.”
The Democratic candidate too distanced himself from Obama’s immigration policy, when the moderator reminded him that during that term an immigration reform was not approved and a record of deportations was reached: “It took too long to get it right (under the Democratic government). I will be president, not vice president.”Biden stated.
The former vice president reiterated his promise that, in his first 100 days in office, he will send Congress an immigration proposal that will contain “a path to citizenship for the more than 11 million” undocumented people in the United States.
His plan will also include a path to citizenship for the undocumented who came to the country as children, known as “dreamers,” he added.
Biden also criticized Trump’s restrictions on the right to seek asylum, taken to extremes during the pandemic: “(The undocumented) are living in squalor on the other side of the river” that separates the United States from Mexico.

The debate also touched on racial issues. Photo: EFE (Archive)
President Donald Trump stated during the presidential debate in front of the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden: “I am the least racist person in this room”, in the face-to-face block dedicated to racism in the country.
“I think I have great relationships with everyone, I am the least racist person in this room”, assured the president.
Biden and Trump took advantage of the debate block dedicated to racism to accuse each other of having harmed the African-American community the most.
Trump recalled that his rival was the promoter in the Senate of a crime law in 1994 that caused thousands of African Americans to end up behind bars and that he approved a reform in the opposite direction shortly after coming to power.
In addition, he said that he has been the president who has done the most for the black community in the history of the United States with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery in 1863.
Biden, for his part, reviewed the Trump’s history of racist comments and remembered that in 1989 he advocated for the death penalty for a group of African American teenagers known as the “Central Park Five” that they were charged with a crime they did not commit.