The president of the Federation of Fruit Producers of Chile (Fedefruta), Jorge Valenzuela Trebilcock, referred to the stoppage of truckers, whom he supported and asked the authorities to take action on the matter.
He assured that the agricultural sector is fundamental for the supply of Chileans, “However, this would not be possible without the work of transporters, transport companies and truck drivers, who are a fundamental part of the logistics chain necessary for the supply not be affected ”.
He complements that “For this reason, it is that The latest acts of violence are reprehensible to us, especially what happened this year with the death of a truck driver, and last week with a seriously injured girl by a shot, in a simply cowardly act ”.
Thus, on behalf of the union, he supported the position of the truckers and called on the authorities to enforce the rule of law.
“At Fedefruta we understand the feeling that drivers and transporters have today, which motivated them to start a truckers’ strike,” he said.
“That is why We once again request the political, legislative and judicial authorities to generate security conditions so that activities as strategic as agriculture and transport are carried out under normal conditions, as well as promptly investigating and finding these criminals, detaining them, accusing them and trying them as corresponds to a rule of law like ours ”, he concluded.