Colo Colo fell this Tuesday 0-2 against Sports La Serena, in a duel valid for the 22nd day of the National Championship, and that left the albos in the basement of the contest with just 18 points.
But outside of sports, a comment from Claudio Borghi During the transmission of the game, he was the target of criticism from the fans.
The ‘Bichi’ commented on the presence of the linesman Cindy Nahuelcoy, who officiated as second assistant in the clash of the ‘Cacique’ against the ‘garnets’.
The former coach of Los Albos and La Roja, in addition to assessing that women lead men’s matches, highlighted the referee for “Be very pretty”.
The situation generated debate on social networks among those who questioned the sayings of ‘Bichi’ and those who supported him, ensuring that there was nothing wrong in his statements.
“Besides they are beautiful,” says Borghi, referring to the line guards that are on the court. Unnecessary.
– maca (@maacaramirez) December 8, 2020
Borghi culiao stop saying weas about us shut up for a while xd #VamosColoColo
– paz belén🐇🤎 (@paztilla_) December 8, 2020
“Borghi shouldn’t talk about Cindy Nahuelcoy’s physique, the times are not for that …” aah but on instagram … #Hypocrisy #Colo Colo #VamosColoColo #ColoColoSerena #cdf pic.twitter.com/LKf0uwOMeY
– Carlos Cordero (@CharlosLamb) December 8, 2020
Bichi Borghi is a smart person, when the broadcast ends he should apologize and not try to justify the macho comment he made any more. Everything he said made matters worse. Thank you @gracelazcano for trying to educate him. #VamosColoColo
– José Miguel Garay Rivera (@GarayJotaeme) December 8, 2020
Borghi the most disastrous of Cdf 🤮
– Mariana 💎🍀 (@ 26marianav) December 8, 2020
Mr. Claudio Borghi, I explain with pears and apples.
Women do NOT want anybody’s appreciation regarding our physical appearance !!! Less if we are doing our job, as in this case the referee is doing. It is understood???? #COLOCOLASERENAXCDF– Cindy Valeria (@Cindy_GS) December 8, 2020
The bichi borghi foundation, my mother does not pay attention to what men say, a woman’s life does not revolve around men #VamosColoColo
– Crisdiaz (@CrisHuenuanca) December 8, 2020
#COLOCOLASERENAXCDF Claudio Borghi, it is not necessary to say that a woman is beautiful or that she is ugly. Basically, there is no need to comment on a woman’s appearance if her professional performance is being evaluated.
– Ociobel 🍂🌱🌧️Ⓥ (@otonista) December 8, 2020
– Yubii 🌻 (@Yubisw) December 8, 2020