
In recent weeks, several adherents to the Rejection have called for a null vote on the second ballot, that of the conventions, arguing that there is a trap in the plebiscite: if the Rejection wins, they affirm, that option could be invalidated if the sum of the votes of the Mixed Convention and Constitutional Convention are majority.
“There is a legal discussion in the reform that made this plebiscite possible, which admits that the results can be altered if the votes of the Constitutional and Mixed Convention reach a certain sum“, Said a few days ago Hermógenes Pérez de Arce, in the online program Las Indomables, hosted by Patricia maldonado, Catalina Pulido Y Teresa Marinovic.
“It can be interpreted that the Rejection did not win, although it did win, because the votes of the Constitutional Convention and the Mixed Convention add up more than those of the Rejection.. There is a danger that, if those votes are not annulled, they will beat the Rejection, even though the Rejection has won, ”added the lawyer, concluding with the participants that, for the best for their sector, it is necessary to vote null on the second ballot .

However, this is wrong. Mauricio Morales, political scientist and electoral expert, assures that “this statement is absolutely false, from every point of view”, because the reform to the Constitution that allowed the plebiscite to be held establishes that, if the Rejection wins, the constitutional process is over .
“The constitutional process ends if the Rejection wins, regardless of the result of the second ballot. In fact, if the Rejection wins, the second ballot has no legal effect on the process“, Explain.
It’s more. Morales details that, if the approval and whatever convention wins, and a new Constitution is drawn up, but in the next exit plebiscite the population rejects that new Magna Carta, the current Constitution will continue to govern.
The same think Constance Hube, constitutional lawyer and academic from the Catholic University. “Regarding the confusion that has arisen, that it would be necessary to vote null on the second ballot, since voting for some of the two convention options would imply that there would be an election of conventional constituents, even if the Rejection option wins, from my perspective. perspective I think it’s a wrong diagnosis, ”he says.
“Although the Constitution does not expressly state that by winning the Rejection option the constituent process is stopped, It does establish explicitly and clearly that the election of conventional constituents will be called only to the extent that the citizenship has approved the preparation of a new Constitution, which is the equivalent of Approval”, He adds.
And the dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences and Public Administration of the Central University, Marco Moreno, states that the formula proposed by Pérez de Arce “has no legal basis, rather it is a fake news to confuse. Anyone can appeal to the Elections Qualifying Court, but if that happens (if the opposition appeals if the Rejection wins), their answer would be that they are wrong ”.

With two days remaining for the plebiscite, which will decide whether or not Chile has a new Constitution, a series of demonstrations have emerged in this regard. Some peaceful, some violent. Some cultural, some social, and some political. In this last topic, one arose that supposedly refers to Augusto Pinochet.
In the middle of Cerro San Cristóbal, on Thursday night you could see a light projection that clearly pointed. “Kill Pinochet.” Several people interpreted the message in relation to the possibility that this Sunday eventually win the Approval.

The image was widely disseminated on social networks. It was initially suspected that it was a fake news, but as the minutes passed, the information was confirmed. The event happened.
One of the twitter users who spread the image was Christian Leporati, director of the School of Advertising at the Diego Portales University, and who has 37,500 followers on the social network.
“If it’s real. It is the publicity for the new film about the attack that is based on the book ‘Los Fusileros’, but they called it “Kill Pinochet”, so that the translation is understandable in all languages (“Kill Pinochet”). That it appears days before the plebiscite is almost poetic, “he told La Tercera’s Fact Checking.
Leporati was joined by Nicolás Valenzuela, a journalist from the Catholic University. “The image is real. Indeed, days after the plebiscite that changed the 1980 constitution, the message was projected, but for publicity purposes for the film Kill Pinochet, ”he stated.
And indeed, the movie exists. It is directed by Juan Ignacio Sabatini and is in the post-production stage.

The Twitter user Juan Domínguez published in his account that “the Jesuit Migrant Service with what right they registered without shame the migrants who entered the bad to vote in a Plebiscite that not even the Chileans wanted to be enhanced. I am Catholic, but this communist congregation should not continue in Chile ”. In his biography, this tweeter describes himself as “I like honesty, nature, horses and animals in general. Always on the right. Rejection”. His tweet has more than 560 RTs and 810 Likes and has received more than 80 responses. But what he claims is false.

José Tomás Vicuña, director of the SJM, categorically denies any intervention of his institution in the registration of foreigners to vote this Sunday. “There are three requirements established by the State of Chile for migrants to vote: be over 18 years of age, have at least five years of residence and not be subject to afflictive punishment. It is the Immigration Department, which depends on the Government, who informs the Electoral Service about the migrants who are authorized to vote and who are thus registered, we do not have any type of intervention”, He assured.
Likewise, he rejected any type of political ties to the institution he directs. “We are a Catholic institution and the option to guide and accompany the migrant population is Christological, not ideological, nor political. It is based on the gospel, ”he said after denying ties to the Communist Party or anyone else.

A comment circulates on Twitter that says that “to be able to act as a table proxy this Sunday you must bring YOUR sanitary kit, otherwise, they will not allow you to stay there.” Given the doubts generated in social networks, the truth is that the Servel published a “Sanitary Protocol for a safer national plebiscite 2020”, where the previous statement is corroborated.

The almost 30-page document has a section where it details that the Servel will provide a basic sanitary kit (70% alcohol gel and masks) for table members and for personnel with an electoral role. Sanitary kits may also be delivered to voters, but only in case of any contingency. However, there it is also stated that “proxy holders must carry their own sanitary kits, otherwise they will not be able to perform their duties”.
Deputy Thomas Fuentes (RN), details that the parties must provide four things to the table proxies. From a health point of view, they should only wear a mask and alcohol gel; but in order to obtain authorization they also have to carry a power of attorney that empowers them to be proxies, and the credential that identifies them. “

An image with the colors of Chile directed at people who want to vote Rejection has been widely disseminated and shared on social networks. It says that those who choose this option must vote on Monday and that it is not necessary to carry an identity card since now everything would be “online”.

The image is broadcast in an ironic way, but despite the absurdity it has generated confusion in several users of social networks. Whatever the motivation of the image, everything that is said there is false. The only day set by law to vote Approve or Reject is this Sunday. In addition, the Servel has said that it is essential that people carry their identity card to be able to pay.