FACh officials were arrested for throwing stones at Carabineros in Temuco


Referential image – Agencia Uno

Since Chilean Air Force (FACh) officials were detained after being accused of throwing stones at a Carabineros vehicle in the city of Temuco.

According to the air institution itself, both officials were detained on the public highway on Monday afternoon. “for finding himself throwing stones at a Carabineros vehicle that was carrying out public order control during street demonstrations.

Both detainees are professional troop soldiers who were on their duty-free schedule and They belong to the Tactical School of Aviation Infantry of the Maquehue Air Base.

The Fach reported that after learning of the arrest an administrative proceeding was opened to “determine the facts, circumstances, possible administrative responsibilities and the corresponding application of disciplinary measures.”

And he sentenced: “The institution categorically rejects the acts of violence registered, in which institutional personnel were involved, since this type of conduct is totally different from the values ​​and principles that every member of the Chilean Air Force must profess. “


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