Eyzaguirre was unable to lower his candidacy for CC after refusing to share a list with Tere Marinovic | National


The researcher at the Center for Public Studies (CEP), Sylvia Eyzaguirre, announced this Sunday that he will finally campaign to be a constituent for Chile Vamos, after he announced the withdrawal of his candidacy after the inclusion in the list of Teresa Marinovic in the list of the right-wing bloc.

After knowing the candidacy of Marinovic on January 13, Eyzaguirre decided to lower his candidacy so that his votes do not help the first, who also as an independent but for the Republican Party, because the two share a place on the list of Chile Vamos .

But Eyzaguirre, in an interview with the newspaper La Tercera, indicated that the only way to lower his candidacy was for the presidents of all the parties that make up the Chile Vamos list (Republicans, PRI, Evópoli and RN) to sign a letter for that purpose before the Servel.

According to the academic, the party presidents would not have signed because their departure put the continuity of the list at risk, since it did not comply with the requirements of the parity law.

“I sent the letter to the president of RN, and the next day I spoke with him. And he told me that my drop might not be viable, because we could be in breach of gender parity and, therefore, getting off would imply that the entire list of Chile Vamos in district 10 would be dropped, “Eyzaguirre explained.

The eximilitante of Ciudadanos maintained that before being able to withdraw his name from the ballot, he has the “duty” to campaign, so he will continue to compete for a quota in district 10.

“It is different to get taken off the ballot than to have your name on the ballot. And I have come to the conclusion that I have a duty to campaign, since my name will be on the ballot, and that I have to campaign transmitting the democratic values ​​that move me and that I want to defend in the next election, which is so important for Chile ”, he commented.

Finally, he reiterated his distance with Marinovic, especially because of how he has referred to groups of sexual diversity.

“They never told me that Teresa Marinovic was going to go either on the Chile Vamos list or on the RN list. And we were never told that a Republican candidate was going to go in the 10th district, “he added.
