Ex-wife of Iván Núñez Marlene de la Fuente: “He will be a father to the person for whom we had marriage problems”


After it was revealed this Thursday that Iván Nuñez will be a father for the sixth time after an alleged infidelity, during the day on Friday the ex-wife of the journalist from TELEVISION, Marlene de la Fuente and he assured that practically “they found out by the press” of the news.

De la Fuente spoke with Glamorama to indicate that “I am now precisely on a very very complicated issue, because both myself and my children, my four children, we just found out from the press, as Michelle Bachelet said in her then “.

Then, he went on to reveal the true reason why he separated from Núñez: “He has been very critical, we just found out that Iván is obviously going to be a father with the person for whom we had the marriage problems. My children are very ill, I have had to treat them with a psychologist and psychiatrist “.

De la Fuente refers to the 27-year-old Brazilian girl who is the current partner of the conductor of “24 Horas Central.”

Marlene de la Fuente with Iván Núñez, her ex-husband, at a Viña Gala.

We have experienced very complicated issues with my children, Iván has not seen them since then, I have been in charge 100%. And now they have just learned that the father, the one who was married to me for 20 years and that we have four children in common, with the same girl is now going to be a father and still does not have a link with his own children, “he accused in his statements.

De la Fuente assured that he will have to resort to doctors to treat his children after the impact caused by this news, especially to “stabilize them again.”

He also stressed that “I have tried to handle it as best as possible as a mother, but I think that Iván has not known how to handle it as a father”.

And he stressed that “this has been a tremendous blow again for my four children.”
