Jorge Baradit responded for his controversial discriminatory messages against women published on his Twitter account in 2009, which will surely be a topic in the campaign, and he said he regrets, reaffirmed his apologies and assured that this does not represent him today.
“They had to go find a tweet like that 11 years ago, Because I’m not like that. For that tweet I publicly apologized at the time and that’s it, “he said.
“One feels like was born for this moment “Baradit said about his motivation to join the challenge of running for the constituent process.
To the forward of PS
Baradit confirmed that his candidacy will be for the much appreciated District 10, which corresponds to La Granja, Macul, Ñuñoa, Providencia, San Joaquín and Santiago. “There are a lot of people who go through the same district, what I can say is that I have lived there for 25 years, I can’t go anywhere else,” he said.
-How did your approach to the PS come about?
They contacted me from the PS to organs to the left of the PC. It was the whole spectrum from the center left to the left of Chile. I ended up talking to three parties, I felt comfortable with anyone. The decision to go for the PS is because things were happening, but I would have been happy with the PC or the FA. The unity of the opposition is a strategic, mathematical question, we have to do politics there, with children’s issues we are not going to get anywhere.
-But why didn’t you choose independence?
Because there is no option, the conditions are not in place, it was not approved to make agreements and sub-agreements, some barriers were lowered, but the conditions are still not in place. So, my call is that if the parties did not give the conditions to the independents, today they have a moral obligation to deliver the quotas. 80% of October 25 will not vote for the political elite, I take the quota because the conditions are not set for the independents and they need to be the ones to direct the Constitutional Convention.
-There is the Community for Dignity, where Ana María Gazmuri and Claudio Narea, among others, are, why not with them?
Not because their objective is not to present a list, what we want to do is take ourselves and help independents take the quotas of political parties. What the Community for Dignity does is ascribe to a manifesto, it is anti-neoliberal, it is anti-patriarchal, it goes for guaranteed rights, for a number of constitutional objectives, to which we are going to adhere and defend even if we go for RN, to say something.
“I will be a channel”
-Why should people vote for you, what do you propose?
The invitation I make is not for a program that I have defined. What I propose is that I do not have to be a representative, but a channel, and what I propose is that my campaign be assemblies and councils, and what I am going to have when I present myself on April 11 is a synthesis of what People have asked in those instances. My program is going to be predesigned by people. What I am looking for is for the Constitutional Assembly to be the closest thing to a Constituent Assembly, he concludes.
– What guarantees what it indicates?
My guarantee is that I belong to that 80%, who voted “I approve” in the Plebiscite. That I was born with my legs in the mud and nobody comes to tell me what is happening and we are living. I can be a good channel, I know the history of my country, the historical processes.
-However, whether you like it or not to be independent, but for a party, you represent that political color, are you going to obey the guidelines of the PS in the constituent process?
When the PS calls me to talk it is because they feel that my ideas are similar to theirs… and not the other way around. When I convert and they accept my candidacy, it is because they consider that what I want and want to do is close to what they feel. There is no commitment, there is no contract and I have absolute freedom, it is part of what we talk about. I continue to be independent.
-How are you going to ask people to vote for you if in the end a traditional party supports you, from which people have become more and more distant, or not?
My first certainty is that the independents have it difficult, it is most likely that those who leave will go in the quotas of parties and there should be two things, the commitment to remain as such and the party that should be to protect that independence. In addition, they would be shooting themselves in the legs, if a party puts pressure on the independent and it shows, it will lose credibility, they must protect, it is strategic for the parties. I am an absolute independent who is going to bring his mandate, the Constitutional Convention, to your place.
Your story is my story
-How do you expect history to record your name?
I would like this to be remembered as a process triggered, guided and thought by the people of Chile, without any leadership, leadership, an atypical movement that managed to think of itself. And to one, to the conventional ones, as people who put themselves at the service of a program, which has been written since last year in the assemblies and councils. I attended 19 of them and the people of Chile have a program of the people of Chile. So, the historical protagonist is him.
That sounds nice. Someone who brought the popular mandate to the Constitutional Convention and defended it to the end.
-If you could think of characters from Chile, who would you call to draft this Constitution?
I’ve got four. Francisco Bilbao because he was the first to understand that the people of Chile were part of society, that they deserved dignity. Later, Luis Emilio Recabarren, because being a son and a worker himself he was able to become a deputy and ultimately create the labor force, he does not belong to the CP but to the history of Chile. Also, Don Clotario Blest, from a current point of view, he was against political parties, he felt that all decisions should be taken by workers and unions. The last, without a doubt, Salvador Allende, who is the great democrat in our history and he had the dream of completing the constitutional cycle of Chile, because the first Constitution of 1833 put the upper class on the throne, the one of 1925 added to the middle class and the Constitution that Allende was preparing was to include all the people of Chile in the administration and benefits of the State. That truncated step, we take today.
-It could be inferred that, under his gaze, Allende would be the inevitable …
All four of them, but yes, I think Salvador Allende is a person that I would love to be with me and be part of the process.
-It is proposed that the 1980 Constitution was designed, mainly, by former senator Jaime Guzmán and now there will be 155 people …
All the constitutions in Chile have been written by very few people on four walls, almost all men. The Constitution should boast of having been written by a diversity of people, half men, half women, people, artists, writers and a diversity. It does not have to be written by people who know about constitutional laws, they are technicians who must support the different views. Jaime Guzmán would have his space because this Constitution, unlike the one of 1980, is not a revenge against a social class, but is inclusive, even with whoever defended the Military Government, nobody in the center left intends to write it and that it is exclusive to the sector , but everyone. Everyone would have space in the Constitutional Convention, including Jaime Guzmán.
Sorry messages
-In the balance of your life, what have you done best and what do you regret?
The best thing I have done is that I am willing to learn, because I am very wrong. I am a person who makes a lot of mistakes because he is trying to learn. The worst thing I do is make mistakes and the best I do is learn.
– Are your messages on Twitter discriminatory to the woman who will probably bring them back in the campaign, how will you respond?
With the truth. I wrote a very clumsy tweet and I apologize from him and he is far from who I am. Of the rest, just explain that there is a very dirty campaign based on that, but what yes, I have no intention of hiding my learning process. They had to go find a tweet like that eleven years ago, because I’m not like that. But for that tweet I apologized publicly at the time and that’s it. The rest has been a very atrocious campaign that has damaged and caused tremendous pain in my family, my mother and my son, because it is very harmful and poisonous.
-But, probably, there will be no mercy….
They know what happens to me, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t go out, I’m very fome, I’m a bookworm, and therefore, they won’t find anything else for me, he says.
Many must be looking “Dirty clothes” what to go out to air in public. And not only in your case. It is a popular national sport and, with the pandemic, there is plenty of time.
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