In the Senate Public Security Commission, the general director of the PDI Héctor Espinosa questioned the legislative work, after being summoned to provide information on the mega anti-drug operation that ended with a detective killed in Ercilla, in the region of La Araucanía.
The authority indicated that the PDI lacks “Political support”, while the senators in a transversal way recognized that greater dialogue is lacking.
On the other hand, pro-government deputies pointed out that it is necessary for the National Congress to grant more tools to the police. Meanwhile, the opposition believes that this is not the way.
In the instance, Espinosa assured that “as of Thursday, January 7, 2021, there should be talk of a before and after. You who must make the laws, what many have denied today is a reality: there is violence, there is organized crime, there are drugs, there are weapons, there is a criminal organization ”.
He also assured that “we have no animosity or animosity against native peoples. On the contrary, we share many of their demands ”.
Another question regarding the operation in which 850 troops participated was the alleged arrest of the 7-year-old daughter of the Mapuche community member Camilo Catrillanca, who was killed in a GOPE operation.
In this regard, he stressed that “we do not accept that they come to tell us that we are human rights violators and less than come and tell us that we have abused and mistreated an innocent little girl, who is immersed in a community where she sees violence and all this in view and patience of the authorities ”.
The Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, shared the words of the director of the PDI and called on public opinion to separate the demands of the indigenous peoples with criminal acts, and that drug and arms trafficking cannot be allowed.
For his part, Senator Francisco Huenchumilla indicated that the problem is political and what is wanted is regain social peace and that the citizens believe the police.
Senator RN Marcela Sabat, a member of the commission added that dialogue must be resumed and equip the police with the necessary tools to disrupt The orginazed crime.
From the ruling party they ask for more tools for the police, but the opposition indicates that this is not the way but, rather, the creation of a specialized unit to deal with drug trafficking.
Espinosa acknowledged that the operation took place on the same day as the sentence for the Catrillanca case is because there would be fewer people in the community, despite the initial indication that it was a coincidence.