Epidemiological report: Puerto Montt exceeds 500 active cases and leads in this indicator along with Iquique and Los Angeles


Puerto Montt, Iquique and Los Angeles are the three communes with the most active cases in the country. This, as revealed by the 80th Epidemiological Report published this afternoon by the Ministry of Health and which gives an account of the evolution of the pandemic in each municipality.

According to the new figures, the capital of the Los Lagos Region exceeded the barrier of five hundred active infections (566) after registering an increase of more than one hundred positives in one week.

A trend that also repeated Iquique. The city counted 344 active cases in last Saturday’s report while today it registers 488, that is, 144 more. In fact, in seven days it went from sixth to second place on this indicator. Likewise, Los Angeles had an increase of 45 assets in the same period of time.

At the national level, meanwhile, 38 communes currently exceed one hundred active cases and 10 of them belong to the Metropolitan Region: La Florida, Las Condes, Maipú, Peñalolén, Puente Alto, Renca and Santiago -which also increased their number of assets in the last seven days-, in addition to Ñuñoa, Pudahuel and San Bernardo.

It should be remembered, on the other hand, that during the Health balance of this day, the minister Enrique Paris expressed “great concern” about the increase in the number of daily infections and noted, for example, that in the RM new cases of Covid-19 have increased by 39% in the last 14 days.

Check below the list of the communes with the most active infections in the country.

  1. Puerto Montt: 566 active cases
  2. Iquique: 488 active cases
  3. Los Angeles: 437 active cases
  4. Antofagasta: 387 active cases
  5. Punta Arenas: 385 active cases
  6. Conception: 370 active cases
  7. Valdivia: 346 active cases
  8. Puente Alto: 344 active cases
  9. Temuco: 342 active cases
  10. Curicó: 337 active cases
  11. Chillán: 336 active cases
  12. Valparaíso: 304 active cases
  13. Talcahuano: 278 active cases
  14. Maipú: 272 active cases
  15. Colonel: 260 active cases
  16. Santiago: 256 active cases
  17. Viña del Mar: 251 active cases
  18. San Pedro de La Paz: 248 active cases
  19. Florida: 226 active cases
  20. Osorno: 223 active cases
  21. Alto Hospicio: 216 active cases
  22. Talca: 205 active cases
  23. Arica: 174 active cases
  24. Las Condes: 174 active cases
  25. Rancagua: 171 active cases
  26. Pudahuel: 155 active cases
  27. Chiguayante: 149 active cases
  28. San Bernardo: 139 active cases
  29. Father Las Casas: 135 active cases
  30. Cañete: 131 active cases
  31. Hualpén: 130 active cases
  32. Burbot: 129 active cases
  33. Peñalolén: 126 active cases
  34. Ovalle: 124 active cases
  35. Ñuñoa: 123 active cases
  36. Penco: 116 active cases
  37. Renca: 110 active cases
  38. Arauco: 103 active cases

In parallel, the health authority also published the weekly report of deaths of the Department of Health Statistics and Information (DEIS). According to this document, the total of confirmed and suspected deaths from coronavirus in the country amounted to 21,863.

The most affected regions – adding both indicators – are the Metropolitan (13,803); Valparaíso (1821); Biobío (1.007) and O’Higgins (867).

As detailed in the report, at the national level, 16,404 deaths have been confirmed due to Covid-19. On the other hand, suspicious deaths reach 5,459.

Region Deaths confirmed by Covid-19 Suspicious deaths from Covid-19
Arica and Parinacota 222 60
Tarapacá 274 57
Antofagasta 582 194
Atacama 112 35
Coquimbo 293 123
Valparaiso 1,234 587
Metropolitan 10,717 3,086
O’Higgins 580 287
Maule 545 205
Ñuble 210 68
Biobio 765 242
Araucania 288 226
The rivers 83 52
The lakes 254 163
Aysén fifteen 7
Magellan 229 66