This Friday, the deputy Rodrigo González (PPD), in conversation with Radio Bío Bío’s Could Be Peor, referred to an alleged relationship between Enjoy and the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, through “an extremely concessive and permissive Superintendency with Enjoy ”, in his own words.
As pointed out by Deputy González, he explained: “It turns out that the information about the reorganization of Enjoy suddenly appeared in the press, which was quite surprising, despite the fact that in the more informed circles, let’s say, it was known that Enjoy was in economic-financial difficulties.”
“But the sudden reorganization of Enjoy, that is, it was on the verge of bankruptcy … that is, it is a company that is practically bankrupt and requests its reorganization, it raised, let’s say, a great concern,” he said.
He added that in this context he took the initiative “to invite several deputies to form an investigative commission. Why was Enjoy in reorganization? What was the situation that had generated the insolvency catastrophe of this company and how was this going to affect the municipal interests of the Municipality of Viña but also of the municipalities of Pucón, Puerto Varas, Coquimbo ”.
“They were going to be very affected, because this reorganization meant that the revenues would no longer reach the municipalities, nor the regional governments and the treasury, and therefore there was going to be a decline and very great damage to various regions of the country. country with resources that belong to the public treasury, they are fiscal resources, because (…) games are prohibited in Chile and are only exploited under legal authorization and licenses or concessions that are given by virtue of the law, ”he explained.
Along these lines, he explained that “then we began to investigate, the investigating commission was constituted, it was approved and we began to investigate and there a series of very serious antecedents appear on the way in which Enjoy’s bankruptcy occurs and what are the reasons for the failure. insolvency”.
“They said ‘look, we are going bankrupt now because the social outbreak caused great damage in the activity of the casinos, but also later came the pandemic and we had to paralyze by the decree of the disaster zone or emergency zones and then they were paralyzed the entrances of the casinos ”, abounded.
Regarding the same, he indicated that “the investigation gave birth, but with crystal clarity, that Enjoy’s bankruptcy had no relationship with the pandemic or with the Social Outbreak, because that came at least two years before, where the Superintendency de Casinos had not investigated sufficiently or had not wanted to investigate -which is highly probable- the situation in which the company was in order to have handed over the concession of the four or five municipal casinos in 2018 and subsequently to have authorized the purchase of two casinos: one in Los Angeles, one in San Antonio ”.
“So, what did we see there? An extremely concessive and permissive Superintendency with Enjoy that had authorized the delivery of licenses to a practically bankrupt delivery and that had made offers that are called ‘reckless’, that is, offers that were impossible to comply because the only intention that Enjoy had was to appropriate the monopoly or majority control of the casino market in Chile ”, he argued.
He explained that “to exclude competitors, they had made offers that in no way, according to any economic calculation, were they going to be able to finance themselves or the company was going to be able to respond. They took advantage of that time to buy the great, the great casino, the maximum casino in Latin America that is the Conrad of Uruguay (…), of Punta del Este ”.
Next, Congressman González wonders why the company had made “all this apparent bankruptcy in the outbreak and what was happening and what irregular things were there.”
“From there a series of antecedents arise, which are what we have denounced. The total lack of compliance with its duties and control of public interests by the Superintendency of Casinos. The total permissiveness and indolence, silence, in relation to the irregularities that Enjoy had committed on behalf of the Superintendency and the form of inspection of public bodies in relation to a hyper-millionaire industry of multimillionaires where the company would also begin to appear linked with the interests of the blind or one-eyed trustee of the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, “he pointed out.
Continue listening to the entire interview here: