The actor Elliot Page, previously identified as Ellen Page, said goodbye to 2020 with a post on her Instagram account that reveals her new look as a trans.
In the photo, 33 years old, the artist wears a black sweater that covers his head and wears glasses. “From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Your love and support have been the greatest gift,” he wrote to his followers in what was his last publication.
“Stay safe. Be there for each other. If you can, please support @transanta and @translifeline. See you in 2021, Xoxo Elliot,” added the celebrity of the Netflix series “The Umbrella Academy.”
Elliot Page adds admirers
Thousands responded to the photograph of the actor, including the actress Julianne Moore, his partner in the tape “Not without her.” “I love you,” wrote the Oscar winner. While Sharon stone He left her heartfelt words: “I wish you the happiest and safest journey of life with each blessing, full of love and joy.”
Elliot Page’s fans noted how good he looks: “Your jaw looks so amazing and those glasses look great on you”; “You look amazing friend”; “You are the best Elliot”; “You look so handsome”.
In December 2019, the protagonist of “Juno” published an image in which he compared himself dressed in a dress and with a suit jacket and tie. “I was locked up at the beginning of the decade. It was horrible. I am so lucky to live my truth and I love being ‘queer’,” he wrote at the time.
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