After months with repeated chapters, this Saturday night Chilevisión premiered its new season of its program “La Divina Comida”. The episode featured the participation of singer Andrés de León, the president of the Christian Democracy, Fuad Chahín, and the actresses Elena Muñoz and Lorena Capetillo.
One of the moments that most caught the attention of viewers was when Muñoz had to be the host at his home. Before the participants were ready to sit down to dinner, Capetillo warned of the presence of a spider, which led to a hilarious joke on the part of Elena Muñoz.
“I don’t like spiders very much, but that one is tiny. I kill them anyway, none of those questions of throwing them out. I’m not going to keep all my food with a spider there”He warned.
After his unsuccessful attempt to remove the arachnid, Chahín took a chance on “rescuing” the invertebrate, something that Muñoz used to throw a joke against the DC helmsman.
“Something that the Christian Democrats do in this country. He killed her with great desire because he was from the Broad Front“Said the actress, generating laughter among the guests.
“We had to commit a murder on the first night of an arachnid, which I really saw was quite harmless. It was murder for hire”Chahín joked.