Elections: Biden beats Trump by 12 points in voting intention, according to poll


The Democratic candidate for the White House, Joe Biden leads US President Donald Trump by 12 points, in the popular vote intention just over three weeks before the November 3 elections in the US.

According to a survey released by the chain ABC News and the diary The Washington Post, a 53 percent of voters would favor Biden, while 41 percent would support Trump “if the presidential election were today.”

Meanwhile, of likely voters, 54 percent would support Biden versus 42 percent who would support Trump.

The consultation, carried out by telephone between October 6 and 9 to 1,014 adults, focused on the popular vote, not the state-by-state dispute to obtain at least 270 of the electoral college votes.

Among the most important issues to define their vote, 29 percent of registered voters cited the economy, followed by the coronavirus management with 15 percent and criminality and security, with 8 percent.

A 48 percent of registered voters said they trust Trump to manage the economy, compared to 47 percent who prefer Biden.

The percentages varied when asked about the strategy to face the coronavirus pandemic, since 55 percent said they trust Biden, compared to 38 percent who opted for Trump.

Last August, on the occasion of the National Convention of the Democratic Party, the same poll indicated that Biden had 53 percent of the voting intention of the general electorate and Trump with 41 percent.
