Eddie Van Halen dies at 65 of throat cancer


Van Halen is considered one of the best guitarists in history – AP

Eddie van halen He died this Tuesday at 65 and after a long fight against throat cancer, as confirmed by the specialized site TMZ, accompanied by his son Wolfgang, his wife Janie and his little brother Alex.

The famous guitarist and co-founder of the band Van Halen It got worse in the last 72 hours, after the discovery that the cancer had metastasized to other organs such as his brain, according to medical personnel.

His son pointed at his count of Twitter I can’t “believe I’m writing this, but my father lost his long fight with cancer. He was the best father I could ask for

“Every moment that I was able to share with him was a gift. I am heartbroken and I believe that I will not be able to recover from its loss“added Wolf obviously affected.

The Van Halen group was included in the Hall of Fame of the Rock & roll in 2007, while Eddie is regarded as one of the greatest guitarists of all time, leading the prestigious magazine Rolling Stone place it in eighth place.


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