Ecuador doubled its official number of infections on Thursday to 22,160 after obtaining the results of thousands of delayed Covid-19 tests, reported the Minister of Health, Juan Carlos Zevallos, at a press conference.
Zevallos specified that the results are still “not uploaded” in the official infographics, in which 11,183 infections appear, to which now we should add the 10,977 that they have given positive in the set of tests that waited for answer.
“The 10,977 should be added,” said Zevallos, who argued that another 12,879 should also be added to the discarded cases, so “the proportion (of contagion) remains.”
“It is obvious that when there are more cases tested, the number of positives will increase, but we must also counteract with the cases that gave negative results”, Zevallos pointed out, in a press conference shortly after the head of the Government, Maria Paula Romo, released the official data.
With this new figure, Ecuador, one of the countries hardest hit by the pandemic, would be second in Latin America in infections after Brazil, which exceeds 46,000, and going to Peru and ChileUp to now they were ahead in positives, although not in deaths.
Zevallos explained that the country had “dammed” thousands of tests that were pending response and that have yet to be updated in official data, so there is not yet a classification by region of the new positives.
According to the latest information provided by the Ministry of Public Health, by province, that of Guayas, whose capital is Guayaquil, keeps clumping together most of the cases, followed by Pichincha, with Quito as head, and Azuay, of which Cuenca is its capital.
In his previous appearance, Romo also explained the measures analyzed by the Emergency Operations Committee, on how the transition from the situation of home isolation to that of maintaining a personal distance will be, in anticipation that the restrictive measures due to Covid-19 by virtue of the number of infections in certain parts of the country.
Although he stressed that the guidelines for the population continue to be those of staying at home, in the coming weeks it will be considered to allow the resumption of some activities, which will require “smaller gauging, greater distance on the street, organization of shift work” or that home delivery be prioritized.
The president of the Committee that manages the health crisis in Ecuador, stressed that protocols will have to be followed in the offices, as well as in transport, parks and streets in an eventual next stage.