This Wednesday the Government and the truckers unions reached an agreement to depose or depose the strike that started the cargo transport union last week, despite the fact that there are still points to be resolved.
According to the Government document on the proposals to road workers, it can be highlighted an investment of $ 5.6 billion in police infrastructure for the southern macrozone, the creation of a South Macrozonal Prefecture of the PDI, give great urgency to the bill that typifies the theft of wood, dialogue with the concessionaires about their rates, the increase of rest areas or increase the surveillance cameras on the roads of the south central area of the country.
Another point that includes The agreement is the reparation of victims of acts of violence in the south central zone of the country, where the Government proposes to grant thanks pensions to those affected and study grants to their children.
They also propose a repair system for truck owners, strengthening the direct subsidies currently provided by SERCOTEC, through the Support Program for Victims of Rural Violence.
Government commitments to truckers
1.Public Order:
-Investment of $ 5,600 million in police infrastructure.
-Increase of air resources in the area.
-Establishment of a special intelligence information coordination.
-Establishment of the South Macrozonal Prefecture of the PDI.
-Special program for maintenance and replacement of police vehicles
2.Work Group:
-The Government of Chile has created a Working Group made up of authorities from the
Government, representatives of the truck union and the police.
3.Vigilance on the route:
-36 additional surveillance cameras between km 560 and km 682 of Ruta 5 Sur.
-24 thermal cameras.
-53 patent readers on the main road tolls.
4. Tolls:
-They will seek to negotiate with the concessionaires to establish free-flow toll systems, cameras and lighting.
-They will analyze the tariff on routes 68 and 78 with the concessionaires and establish a flat rate on weekends and holidays.
5. Rest areas:
-The Government will establish two new rest areas on Route 5 South, in the sections
Chillán-Collipulli and Collipulli-Temuco. One of approximately 9,800 m2 and another of 10,000 m2.
-The Working Group, within a maximum period of 90 days, will study the authorization of 6 zones
rest on Route 5 North and 2 in the Central Zone. Of these, at least one must be
on Route 78 and two at the entrance to Santiago on Route 68.
6. I support the victims:
-Government will support the families of drivers who die or are
total or partial disability greater than 70%, product of terrorist crimes. Granting grace pensions for those affected and scholarships to their children.
-The Government will strengthen the direct subsidies that SERCOTEC currently provides, through the Support Program for Victims of Rural Violence.
-The Government will present, during the year 2020, a Bill that will establish a reparation fund for victims of violence in the South Macrozone, intended for drivers and / or truck owners.
7. Coordination with the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications:
-The Government will promote a comprehensive law that allows establishing a National Policy on
Road Freight Transportation.
8. Dealer safety standards:
-53 single license plate readers will be installed, including not only the main road tolls but also other points considered strategic for the safety of the same.
-The Working Group must study the conditions and safety standards of the country’s highways within a maximum period of 90 days and will make recommendations.