An earthquake of medium intensity was perceived at around 9:55 p.m. in the Valparaíso, Metropolitana, O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble and Biobío regions.
According to Seismology, the earthquake had a magnitude of 6.1, with an epicenter 84 kilometers northwest of Constitución, with a depth of 44.6 kilometers.
The Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy assured that “the characteristics of the earthquake do not meet the necessary conditions to generate a tsunami off the coast of Chile.”
The Onemi reported the following intensities on the Mercalli scale:
Coquimbo region
Combarbalá: III
Illapel: III
Los Vilos: III
Salamanca: III
Valparaíso region
Carob tree: III
Cartagena: V
Casablanca: V
Limache: III
Olmué: IV
Quillota: IV
Saint Anthony: IV
San Felipe: III
Santo Domingo: V
Valparaíso: V
Santiago Metropolitan Region
Cerro Navia: IV
Hill: IV
The Forest: IV
The Mount: IV
Florida: IV
Macul: IV
Melipilla: III
Peñaflor: IV
High Bridge: IV
Saint Bernard: IV
San José de Maipo: III
Santiago: IV
Region of the Liberator Bernardo O’Higgins
The Goats: IV
Lolol: IV
Machalí: IV
Marchihue: V
Mostazal: III
Christmas: V
Olive grove: III
Walls: V
Peralillo: IV
Pichilemu: V
Rancagua: III
Requinoa: V
San Fernando: V
Santa Cruz: IV
Maule region
Cauquenes: V
San Clemente: V
San Javier: V
Talca: V
Bio bio region
Arauco: V
Chiguayante: IV
Conception: V
Colonel: V
Hualpén: V
Los Angeles: III
Batch: V
San Pedro de la Paz: IV
Saint Juana: IV
Talcahuano: V
Volume: IV
Araucania region
English IV
Curacautín: IV
Perquenco: IV
Pitrufquén: V
Renaico: V
Temuco: IV
Theodore Schmidt: IV
Toltén: II
Villarrica: IV
Ñuble region
Chillán: IV
Cobquecura: IV
Coelemu: V
Quillon: IV
Quirihue: V
San Fabian: V
Saint Nicholas: III