Saturday 05 September 2020 | 21:20
Earthquake of strong magnitude is perceived in several regions of central and northern Chile
A strong earthquake was perceived at 9:16 p.m. this Saturday in several regions of the central and northern areas of the country.
According to information from the National Seismological Center, the earthquake was of a magnitude 6.3, whose epicenter was located 12 kilometers southeast of Tongoy, Coquimbo region.
According to what was indicated from the same organism, the telluric movement had a depth of 17 km.
SHOA indicated that the characteristics of the earthquake do not meet the necessary conditions to generate a tsunami on the coasts of Chile.
“No damage to people, alteration to basic services or infrastructure is reported,” they said from Onemi.
“It was really very strong,” said the mayor of Coquimbo, Marcelo Pereira, in conversation with Radio Bío Bío, who added that tranquility was recovered once the movement ended.
The intensities on the Mercalli scale are as follows:
Region: Atacama
Alto del Carmen: IV
Copiapó: IV
Freirina: IV
Huasco: IV
Yellow Earth: IV
Vallenar: V
Region: Coquimbo
Andacollo: V
Cinnamon: V
Combarbalá: IV
Coquimbo: VI
Illapel: IV
The Fig Tree: IV
La Serena: VI
Monte Patria: IV
Ovalle: IV
Punished here: V
Hurtado River: IV
Vicuña: V
Region: Valparaíso
Limache: II
Llaillay: IV
Olmué: III
Papudo: IV
San Felipe: III
Valparaíso: V
German Village: II
Viña del Mar: IV
Region: Metropolitan of Santiago
Santiago: III
Region: Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins
Codegua: III
Mostazal: III