The Senate rejected this Tuesday the indication that created the so-called “work tourism visa”, a proposal promoted by senators Juan Ignacio Latorre (RD) and Isabel Allende (PS) that created a new migratory category so that foreigners could request a work visa when arriving in Chile, indication inserted in the Law of Migration and Foreigners.
The initiative was rejected by the ruling party, who christened it a “work tourism” visa. In addition, the Government also rejected this indication, and another that proposes an extraordinary regulation of migrants who are irregularly in the country. According to the Executive, it produced a “pull effect” that increased clandestine income to the country from the north.
Finally, this indication, which was voted on separately at the request of the UDI senator, Luz Ebensperguer, was rejected by 16 in favor, 35 against and 0 abstentions.
Of the votes against, six were from opposition senators. And of these six, four represent northern regions: José Miguel Insulza (PS-Arica), Jorge Soria (PPD-Tarapacá), Pedro Araya (IND.-Antofagasta) and Alejandro Guillier (IND.-Antofagasta).