Dr. Alberto Dougnac is appointed as the new Undersecretary of Healthcare Networks after Zúñiga’s resignation


After the resignation of Arturo Zúñiga as undersecretary of Healthcare Networks was confirmed this afternoon, President Sebastián Piñera informed that Dr. Alberto Dougnac will take his place.

Until now Dougnac served as dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Finis Terrae University. He has a degree in Medicine with a master’s degree in Internal Medicine.

In addition, he was director of the Clinical Hospital of the Catholic University of Chile and president of the Chilean Society of Intensive Medicine.

Zúñiga’s departure was confirmed this afternoon by La Tercera PM, but after various speculations that emerged last weekend. According to his close environment, the commercial engineer of the Catholic University is evaluating starting a parliamentary or constituent candidacy.

From the Health portfolio they comment that the now ex-undersecretary “feels that it is a good time, because the network has already been prepared and planning for the Coronavirus emergency has been set up and today there is no high-level contagion situation that prevents its departure so he can close a cycle in good shape and think about his future. ” Likewise, they add that the decision could not be made previously due to the latest outbreaks in Magallanes.

Zúñiga’s departure comes amid a positive evaluation, both of his internal management – according to Minister Enrique Paris – and of public recognition, as reflected in the last Cadem survey in October, which evaluated the performance of the government team .

This afternoon, Paris stated that “I am very sorry because he is leaving the team, but I hope to have a new undersecretary who continues working, who continues to do the good work that Arturo did.
