With calls to “surround La Moneda” and to demonstrate in front of the Government Palace, protests began to be called on social networks in the central area of Santiago. Progressively, on Fridays, a series of incidents left the monument to General Baquedano and Plaza Italia behind and approached the perimeter of Paseo Ahumada. This Friday was no exception.
On Friday, November 20, the protests began in the vicinity of La Moneda, when a group of 100 people gathered outside the Metro U. de Chile. From there they began a demonstration that a few hours later led to the burning of a bank branch.
Henceforth, every Friday they have registered excesses. According to data from the Carabineros, since then, in the vicinity of Metro U. de Chile, Alameda, San Antonio, Los Héroes, and all that sector, there have been 65 violent events, between November 20 and Wednesday December 16 . Now the events that occurred this Friday must be added.
The head of the Carabineros Metropolitan Area, General Marcelo Araya, explained that “we have registered, since the scene changed (moving away from Plaza Italia), more than 120 people detained, of which the vast majority are due to disorders. 65 people have been arrested for disorder, 14 for looting, 13 for reception, 12 for carrying blunt elements and two for carrying incendiary elements. The rest is for other crimes associated with these excesses ”.
Carabineros has reinforced its police strategy to deactivate these disorders. For this reason, controls will be increased in the perimeters near the center, the reaction and arrests in flagrante delicto.
General Araya indicated that “the objective is to restore public order and arrest those who commit these crimes, and that innocent third parties are not harmed by these vandalism actions.”
La Moneda monitors the excesses every Friday, from the General Directorate of Carabineros. The undersecretary of the Interior, Juan Francisco Galli, goes there those days.
The undersecretary pointed out that “Carabineros has realized in recent weeks something we were looking for: police effectiveness. The new procedure has been noted, where the manifestation of illicit acts is distinguished. There are no longer social demands in this type of act ”.
The mayor of Santiago, Felipe Alessandri, expressed his annoyance at the constant excesses. “What are these people asking for? Nobody knows, they only destroy commerce, restaurants, public and private furniture. For this reason, we have asked the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, to restore public order ”.
In addition, Carabineros will enter the so-called “Christmas Plan” next week, allocating about 380 troops to avoid crowds in the main points of the capital and avoid robberies and risk situations for people.
This Friday, after 6:00 p.m., incidents were once again recorded in the downtown sector, mainly outside the Metro Universidad de Chile.
Carabineros acted with the water launcher car before throwing stones and other blunt elements. At 8.15 pm, a group of around 30 hooded men threw Molotov cocktails at the police. A policeman was injured.