Domino workers denounce that they have been forced to distribute tips with their bosses


The Domino Workers Union denounced that they are being forced by the company to distribute the tips with their bosses. According to this accusation, the measure began to be applied once the premises reopened after the forced closure by the pandemic.

“The company decided that we had to tip even the bosses, which I find is not fair, because bosses earn more than 700, 800 and even one million pesos, and we earn 320 thousand pesos,” declared Fernando Moraga, president of the Domino union in an interview with National Television.

During the interview conducted from the renowned local located in Paseo Ahumada, Moraga said that “Dominó works as an SME: today it has 18 social reasons and that works against us to set up our union. We cannot set up a single union for different reasons. social”.

Company denies

From Dominó, they sent a statement in which they deny the accusation and assure that the company has not had such a measure.

“We strongly deny that the company is intervening in the way tips are distributed among workers. In addition to the above, in accordance with the law, the firm only complies in this matter with informing customers of the amount of the suggested tip. corresponding to 10% of the total account “, they specified.

“Given the above, Dominó only acts as a collector, delivering all the tips to the workers on a daily basis, who later distribute it among them, without mediation or intervention from the company,” they say.

Complaint in the Chamber

From the CUT they took up the issue and presented it in the Chamber of Deputies. “They want to make the workers distribute the tip, which belongs to the garzones, even with the bosses,” said the president of said organization, Bárbara Figueroa.

“Today they are making annexes to the multi-functional contract, therefore the heads of the premises can attend the boxes and, therefore, they say that the tip has to be shared equally for everyone. That is an abuse and Domino, legally, it is an SME, because it has 7 or 8 social reasons. Here we are always told ‘let’s protect the SME’, but here we have false SMEs, “the president of the CUT added.

It should be noted that the Labor Code, in its article 64, establishes the following regarding the ownership of tips: “the employer may not dispose of them, must deliver them in full to the workers and may not make discounts of any kind on them Nor will it be able to distribute the tips, a power that only rests with the workers who receive them from the client, which will be understood as their property “.
