The viral genome offers important environmental tips and antivirus protection in the pre-infection phase.
Genetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 and other related coronaviruses suggests that a current pandemic could have occurred in the digestive tract of stray dogs before being transmitted to humans. This conclusion was made by the professor of biology from the University of Ottawa (Canada), Suhua Xia, who studied the pathogen genome in detail.
It is believed that SARS-CoV-2 “jumped” from bats to humans, but it was not easy for geneticists to determine if there was another species that would serve as an intermediary. Some experts have pointed to pangolins and snakes, but this new study, published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution on April 14, offers a new hypothesis. According to the author, there was a group of stray dogs that they ate infected bats,

Coronaviruses are a large family of microorganisms present in both animals and humans. In rare cases, the coronavirus present in an animal develops to make a person sick, and from there an epidemic situation similar to the one in which the world lives today arises.
A sharp “jump” from one species to another, and then to a person leaves traces or molecular signs on the pathogen ribonucleic acid. Investigator resort to 1252 registered coronavirus genomes in the database of genetic sequences to find an analog.
He found that SARS-CoV-2 and closely related bat beta coronavirus (BatCov RaTG13) have a 96% genetic sequence, and small amounts of an organic compound, in particular a dinucleotide, are found in the divergent region. indicator of the viral response of the human immune system. This confirms that the human form of the virus came from the one that infects bats.
The scientist also compared the rest of the genome, fragments that were not for the bat, nor for humans, with samples from the bank.
All mammals have an antiviral protein that circulates in the lungs to prevent the virus from multiplying, but the intensity of this response is different. According to the study, the one that left its mark on SARS-CoV-2 matches the one that received canine coronavirusesthat cause highly contagious intestinal disease in dogs.
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