21 September, 2020 | Posted at 11:48 AM
21 September, 2020 | Posted at 11:48 AM
Doctor complained live against Mucho Gusto for not being able to ask questions to the Minister of Education
Doctor complained live against Mucho Gusto for not being able to ask questions to the Minister of Education
An uncomfortable moment was the one that this morning was witnessed in the morning Pleasure, after the invited bronchopulmonary doctor, Felipe Rivera, maintained his discomfort in the program after not having the space to ask questions to the Minister of Education, Raúl Figueroa.
The situation was generated after the television space made a contact where they showed how people made long lines to buy fabrics, Diana Bolocco immediately asked the doctor to provide recommendations to prevent infections in this type of cases.
“In general, the fabric is not very usual to be a polluting factor. It is not recommended that you touch your clothes a lot, so in the places where clothes are sold, people are prevented from trying on, but that can be remedied by giving a piece of cloth to try it on ”, he advised before showing his discontent in the space.
“I have been coming here for a long time and I have always felt very comfortable at Mega, except for today. Because actually sitting 2 to 3 hours and not being allowed to ask questions, because I was not allowed to ask questions to the Minister of Education, that is against my thinking, “he said.
In turn, he asserted that it was not about arrogance, but that “I want to express in that sense that discomfort implies, gives that feeling, that this time I have been a little more “, he expressed.
Immediately afterwards, Rivera expressed his interest in concluding what happened. “Thank you very much for giving me the floor, is what I wanted to say,” he said.
Explanation from Pleasure
However, and after the doctor indicated his annoyance over what happened, Diana Bolocco explained why she was not allowed to ask questions, stating that it was all for a matter of time.
“I find him absolutely right, and I want to apologize and comment that it was for a time issue. It’s not that we don’t want her to ask the minister something ”, emphasized the animator, giving the floor to the professional.
Subsequently, the panel began a discussion on the possible return to classes in the midst of the pandemic, criticizing the management of the Minister of Education.