“Do you have a couple? How long have you been paired? ” María José Quintanilla: “Yes … Enough” Glamorama


Author: Glamorama Team / December 18, 2020

“It never counts who the pololo is, from a private, reserved girl,” Fran García-Huidobro commented on María José Quintanilla in Sigamos de Largo.

In the late Channel 13, the singer spoke about the history of her parents, her performance at the Viña Festival at age 14 and her work with Juan Gabriel (who died in 2016), among other topics.

At one point they asked her about the option of being a mother and this was the conversation that took place:

Fran García-Huidobro: “Now that you’ve turned 30, have you thought about being a mom?”

Maria Jose Quintanilla: “I haven’t thought about it. I have not had the maternity bug yet “

García-Huidobro: “But do you look like mom?”

Quintanilla: “No. But you never know, because my sister always tells me that fate is sometimes prepared.

‘You better give yourself to life,’ he told me. ‘If what happened, has to happen’ “

García-Huidobro: “No, but you can give yourself to life taking contraceptives”

Quintanilla: “But I know many cases of people who also taking contraceptives, treatments, I don’t know what, and the same happened”

Maly Jorquer: “In the event that you wanted to, would you have with whom right now? Sorry I’m so sapa “

Quintanilla: “I mean, yes. Besides that today, as things are, you don’t need to have a partner to be a mom “

Joke: “No, but in your personal case”

García-Huidobro: “What Maly wants to ask you, but she is turning from the hairdresser, is if you have a partner”

Quintanilla: “Yes”

Joke: “Cute!”

García-Huidobro: “How long have you been paired?”

Quintanilla: “Enough time”

García-Huidobro: “It never counts who the boyfriend is, from a private, reserved girl”

Joke: “Because from a young age she learned to speak to the media and that’s how they turn around and don’t answer us at all.”
