In recent weeks, the call to stay at home it was installed as one of the main ways to slow the advance of the deadly coronavirus.
Thus, Chilean society along with the rest of the planet were almost paralyzed, which brought labor, economic and social queues.
Consequently, at least in our country, this measure also triggered a Historic plummeting of emergency consultations in healthcare facilities.
In conversation with BioBioChile, Luis Herrada, urgenciologist at Clínica Las Condes, stated that the decrease fluctuates between 60% and 70%.
Although the above can be taken as a signal that the population preferred to avoid being exposed to the virus, it also turn on alarms among specialists product of diseases that require medical attention, which would not be reviewed.
“It is important to say that in the context of ‘stay at home’, which is appreciated, today we are in a country situation where emergency consultations historically fell, reflecting the number of hospitalized since the emergency, “said the doctor.
That, in his opinion, “invites to think that there are patients who are at home and who have not consulted and who could be with some disease that is active, but not having consulted for fear of getting coronavirus ”, he pointed.
In this regard, he detailed three contexts under which a person would have to yes or yes go to an emergency room.
Chest pain and stroke
First, he spoke of the adults over 65 they may develop chest pain, fever, or shortness of breath.
Along these lines, he commented again on chest pain but in people of any age, since this affliction “is always a marker that should alert us to go to a service,” he said.
“Proper chest pain, acute myocardial infarction, is intense oppressive pain, as if an elephant pressed against your chest, and that should motivate us to consult ”, detailed the specialist.
Second, he mentioned the stroke, which manifests itself in this context through three symptoms.
“Difficulty speaking, ragged language as if drunk; obvious facial asymmetry and an acute loss of limb strength, “he added.
“Both pathologies are time dependent. Therefore the patient prognosis is related to what it takes to see and to unclog the artery that causes the problem, “explained Herrada.
Respiratory problems
Third, the doctor recalled that coronavirus is not the only disease that can manifest itself with respiratory complications, so -from suffering them- any person should go to a healthcare facility.
As an example, he gave pulmonary thromboembolism. “They start with respiratory distress and today they could be confused with coronaviruses,” he warned.
“In a young person it could be left out saying‘ well, the truth is that it could have Covid-19 and nothing else. I’m not going’. Today, respiratory distress across the board should come to the emergency. ”he asserted.
In line with all of the above, he called for patients to return to their routine check-ups as services begin to return to normal operation and for the time being continue taking prescribed drugs before any health problem “to decrease their morbidity”.
Despite everything discussed above, citizens can continue to distrust going to a medical facility due to the risk of catching SARS-CoV-2.
However, Herrada stated that these places they are ready so as not to mix respiratory cases with those consultations that come for other problems.
“The Ministry of Health established regulations for the flow separation in emergency patients “, which has been in operation for a month at the Las Condes Clinic, where he works.
In addition to this, it was also established that waiting rooms are divided in respiratory and non-respiratory patients.
“The main milestone of that is that there are clinical staff in the emergency entry to make a preselection: They will ask you why you are going and if the answer fits within the respiratory system, they will take you to a special place, isolated, so that common colds do not catch Covid-19, “he explained.
These sectors, in addition, could have negative pressure and different flow, both inlet and outlet.
“Come easy. We have taken care to protect them and not be afraid to come. This can compel them to stay at home and should not do so, “he stressed.
“Today it is important that the requested measures are maintained. Now we ask you to be selective, that recognize symptoms and go to the emergency ”, ended.