The general director of the Investigative Police (PDI), Hector Espinoza, denied the rumors that they had been ordered not to use weapons in the operation carried out on Thursday in the Mapuche community of Temucuicui, where a detective died.
Espinoza affirmed that the 850 detectives who participated were teams with weapons and each one had at least 30 shots to fire, in addition to assault forces, which used weapons such as submachine guns.
“It is absolutely false, I categorically rule it out. There were 850 detectives who participated in this operation, each with his service weapon, each officer had 30 shots, if you multiply that is 25,500 fatal shots, “he explained.
The detective assured that they were facing a criminal organization that had weapons to confront the PDI, including shooters in the hills.
“There are shooters who only shot at the neck (…) They are shooters who have expertise ”, he declared.
He lowered the same point, called for the political world to condemn violence and “not to justify what is happening.” “We are going to remove these criminals from circulation,” he warned.
He also declared himself surprised by the response that the group they were trying to catch had received, indicating that they have “more than 30 vehicles with an impact now” and that the PDI officials are affected by “not having been able to defend the comrade.”
“I have been in the police for 42 years, in different parts, I have talked with many people, and we something like this has never happened to us, we are going to carry out a thorough study (…) It cannot be that there is a forbidden place in Chile for the police, ”he said.
Finally, he warned that the detectives of the operation carried personal cameras, which they will put at the disposal of the courts and that the deceased official will be promoted posthumously as a tribute.
“We will deliver all the information to the public, know who we are dealing with,” he closed.
At another point, he dismissed the action filed by the Children’s Ombudsman that accused the PDI of detaining Camilo Catrillanca’s 7-year-old daughter, as Espinoza affirmed that she was never held in any police station or patrol.
Full interview