The new experimental and public signal of the University of Chile will premiere its first content on digital open television before the end of 2020. The transmissions will start this Wednesday, December 30 at 8:30 p.m.
The white march will continue gradually during the following weeks until a programmatic grid is consolidated that promotes reflection, debate and knowledge on aspects of cultural and human development.
The contents that will be added will seek to promote research projects and the different technological advances that are generated in the University of Chile itself, in addition to delivering rigorous analyzes and pluralistic discussions to the public that account for the social and political changes in the country.
“A long longing”
“We hope that this signal will promote innovation in television content and be a bridge towards research and creation that our University leads. It is a long desire that today we specify to respond to the needs of the country,” said the rector of the U. de Chile, Ennio Vivaldi.
In this sense, the editorial line that will guide the activity of the UChile TV channel, which returns after 27 years since its last broadcast, will be governed by the institutional values of tolerance, pluralism, equity, intellectual independence and freedom of thought, as well as respect, promotion and preservation of diversity in all areas, and, especially, a vocation for excellence in content.
UChile TV will be broadcast throughout the country thanks to the agreement reached by the University of Chile and Chilevisión regarding the use of its infrastructure. Those who do not use open television, meanwhile, must select “open TV input” and tune in to 11.2 on the RM. In the case of regions, the details can be seen on the official site of the University of Chile.
📢FULLY! After 27 years, we invite you to connect to the TV channel of the University of Chile, UCHILETV TODAY at 8:30 p.m.
Join the white march of #UchileTV, A good sign.
Tune in via TVD from Arica to Punta Arenas.
Check your signal at: https://t.co/E7LdMNA6ba pic.twitter.com/31Gv8xb0mL– University of Chile (@uchile) December 30, 2020