Did they declare a Preventive State of Emergency until 2021? Yes, but because of forest fires | National


The Government decreed a Preventive State of Emergency from this month until May 2021. The reason? The eventual development of forest fires in various areas of the country.

The measure – recently published in the Official Gazette – will cover the regions of Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaíso, O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble, Bío Bío, La Araucanía, Los Ríos, Los Lagos, Aysén, Magallanes and Metropolitana.

The decree was signed by President Sebastián Piñera and the Minister of the Interior, Víctor Pérez, and was widely disseminated on social networks, where it was confused with an alleged expansion of the State of Constitutional Exception.

On the contrary, the measure seeks to provide “technical and financial resources necessary for a timely operational response by the technical agencies of the State with powers in the matter”, in order to “prevent and attend to the start” of fires.

Precisely in the document released it is realized that “the application of educational and communicational strategies is essential to prepare and engage the population in actions to safeguard the existing forest heritage.”

“The frequent occurrence of such events and the meteorological conditions that affect the national territory make it essential to provide the technical agencies of the State, with competencies in the matter, with the essential elements for a timely, effective and efficient action, as well as for the adoption of preventive measures ”, says the letter.
