The Minister of Defense, Mario Overflows, was recognized as “a good presidential alternative” after opening up to that eventual candidacy. From his party, his close friends ask that he continue to have a relevant role in political matters, while other voices say that it is not the time to look for presidential candidates.
“I do not dispute that I am a good presidential alternative within the party,” Desbordes said in an interview with El Mercurio, a possibility that he said he will define in March.
This, after a week deputies from his party sent him a letter asking him to be the RN candidate. One of the signatories, Camilo Morán, said that they understand Desbordes’ statements and that they hope that he will continue to play a political role until he makes his candidacy official.
“He has to fulfill his job (as minister), but (…) he has a key political role” to maintain, says Morán.
Meanwhile, inside the party, they look at other candidates. Party deputies held a meeting with former Minister Sebastián Sichel. Among them, Diego Schalper, who pointed out that “there are different people who could assume presidential leadership from the party. Nowadays the important thing is to get involved in trying to process what happened over the weekend (of the plebiscite) ”.
But, there are some who say that this is not the time to look for presidential candidates and that we must focus on the constituent process, as proposed by RN’s chief of staff, Sebastián Torrealba. “Mario (Desbordes) has tremendous leadership, but it is important that we get together, without personal projects, for the unity of Chile Vamos (…) we have to go together to April (to the constituent). After April the candidatures will be seen ”, he pointed out.
In the interview, Mario Desbordes also said that he is focused on being Minister of Defense, which was his life’s dream. And who cares that Chile Vamos continues to be in charge of the Government.