Deputy Velásquez will gather signatures to create a commission to investigate the leakage of his sanction | National


Deputy Pedro Velásquez (IND) referred to the decision of the Ethics Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies to punish him for an altercation that he starred on June 13 with a woman in a service center on Route 5 North in Los Vilos, “with the threat of aggression”, as indicated by the Chamber.

The report of the commission emphasizes that “the attitude, the disheveled tone, and the expressions expressed (…), are not in accordance with the model of exemplary citizen that the norms of the regulation and of the parliamentary code of conduct require of deputies, with what, in addition to personal discredit, the entire institution of the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies is muddied ”.

In this regard, Velásquez pointed out that he learned informally that the Ethics commission would have sanctioned him “for a situation that occurred between private parties about three months ago where some people with prior records, and who are known – in fact there is a video – (… ) are two people who are used to doing this kind of thing ”.

“In this case they insulted and verbally assaulted my two advisers —that is, the chief lawyer and my chief of staff, who is an official of Parliament— with thick calibers that I am not going to refer to again,” he said.

Along these lines, she added that “the most important thing is that once these events occurred, I requested all the necessary apologies and in all means to these two people, who because they are women, do not have the right to offend other women and What I did was defend my officials ”.

“I am going to start collecting the signatures for an Investigative Commission because it is not possible (…). This is not the first time that this deputy and others have to inform us by third parties, and not by the institution itself, and therefore the Ethics Commission if it met today and took certain measures, the first thing it has to do is notify, because we have due process ”, he assured.

Likewise, he explained that “they have not yet called to testify or this deputy, they have not called to testify or the lawyers and they do not make or request the evidence that we offered them, therefore, this is like a kind of tie, there are some parliamentarians who have been sanctioned and every time that happens the Chamber (…) begins to look for the formula to leave the press and the community in peace, but breaking all the protocols, and that I think should be finished once and for all for all”.

“The Chamber of Deputies, from the President of the Chamber, through all the organizations, must be a little more serious. Here we are dealing with peers and if I have made a mistake I have publicly apologized, but the Chamber of Deputies itself, the very organs that we give ourselves, cannot be filtering a situation that I have not even yet become aware of ”, he argued.
