Deputy of the Broad Front asks for forgiveness in middle class bonus


After almost 500 thousand people falsified information to request the middle class voucher, from the government stated that they will pursue the guilty, while from Prosecutor’s office they were looking to open an investigation.

But the deputy Gael yeomans, president of the Labor commission, requested a “sorry“to the executive.” The president Sebastian Piñera cannot treat almost half a million people as criminals, nor threaten them with facing justice“, said the parliamentarian.

“The workers denounced by the IBS received the benefit incorrectly under the law’s own rules corresponds to 27% of the total projected universe “, he wrote in a letter sent to the minister Karla Rubilar.

In the letter to the holder of Social development, it was pointed out that “it is totally immoral that they try to persecute them without assuming the improvisation costs of the Ministry of Finance with this law that had serious implementation problems “.

The congresswoman from Social Convergence, party within the Wide Front, called on the Government and the SII to “stop the persecution and get to work with a great pardon, as they have already done with large companies such as Johnson“.
