Deputy Mix officiates the Ministry of Defense, the DINE and the ANI for a report that warned about “foreign threat”


The Commons deputy, Claudia Mix, sent a letter to the Minister of Defense, Mario Desbordes; the Director of Army Intelligence, General Pedro Varela; and the National Director of Intelligence, Luis Masferrer, after The counter revealed that on October 20 of last year the DINE, led at that time by General Guillermo Paiva, delivered a report to President Sebastián Piñera, through the former Minister of Defense, Alberto Espina, which contained information about various insurrectionary operations in the country that would have given rise to the October revolt that led to the social outbreak.

Said report indicated the existence of a “battalion of 600 clandestine agents” who had entered Chile to carry out insurrectionary operations. Likewise, in said document, the DINE identifies a Venezuelan citizen as a refugee in our country as one of the inciters of violence, and Pedro Carvajalino as the chief commander of the government Chavista organization Zurda Konducta, which ended up being a television program.

Through the official letter, the deputy requested that the framework under which this research was developed and the methodology used to obtain the information and the conclusions developed be indicated.

In addition, it requested a detailed report that gives an account of the cost that the preparation of said report reported for the State, detailing especially against which glosses of the public budget it was counted. Finally, he requested the submission of a copy of the report prepared by the DINE.

“It seems very serious to us that decisions and statements made by President Piñera after the social outbreak in October may have been based on a questioned report from the DINE that contained serious errors. Hopefully they clarify how this report was made, because it is really very worrying that the Army provides intelligence information to the Government and speaks of a foreign threat based on speculations and theories elaborated without any rigor, “said the deputy when presenting the official letter.
