Deputy Manager of Entel says that there are backups of Minsal emails that the Prosecutor’s Office requests


Entel’s deputy customer manager, Carlos Muñoz, confirmed that emails from the Ministry of Health regarding the covid-19 pandemic are supported.

According to the research medium Cyprus, Muñoz acts as a bridge between the telecommunications company and Minsal – one of its most important clients – and ensured that the backups of the emails are made every night. His statement clears the doubt as to whether or not those emails were available or could be deleted.

“The backups of the emails are nocturnal and are done every night. I do not remember the precise time they start, but due to the weight of the information it lasts until around six in the morning,” said the assistant customer manager.

He added that “each user has their email account that is centralized on Entel’s servers in Amunátegui and mirrored in Ciudad de Los Valles. This implies that the platform is always available to users; there are no drops or unavailability of service.”

It is worth remembering that the North Central Prosecutor’s Office requested these emails, but due to the refusal of the Ministry of Health, the prosecutor Xavier Armendáriz raised the request to the Supreme Court.

In the investigation carried out by the prosecutor Armendáriz, assistant manager Muñoz gave a statement on September 11. He assured that the emails are backed by Entel and that they cannot be remotely deleted.

According to the aforementioned media, Muñoz declared that the information from the servers “is what the email account has at that time. If, for example, there was a deletion during the day, that will not be supported. The same happens if any account of mail downloads the information to a PST (Personal Storage Table), which is a backup of your mail, but locally, on the user’s computer. That can be configured and depends on each user “.

Regarding whether he is aware that any Minsal official works with that configuration, he said no, but that it can be seen that by the weight of the boxes of each account. “If the weight is very less, it could be indicative that the box is derived to a PST.”
