Deputy Jaime Mulet will be proclaimed as the presidential candidate of the Social Green Regional Federation (FRVS) for the November 2021 election.
The parliamentary bench announced that this Sunday, through a transmission on social networks, Mulet will be announced by the party, which he himself presides, as his letter for the presidential elections.
After the proclamation, together with his command he will offer a press point in the “Emblematic Plaza de la Dignidad”, alluding to the name that the protesters have given to the Plaza Baquedano in the framework of the social outbreak.
In this way, Mulet joins the presidential race where the mayor of Providencia, the UDI Evelyn Matthei, who confirmed his intentions to compete again to reach La Moneda.
The names that currently appear with more force are the also UDI Joaquín Lavín, mayor of Las Condes, and the communist Daniel Jadue, Mayor of Recoleta, who lead the polls but have not yet confirmed their candidacies.