Deputies resume debate on the 10% bill pending the report from the Finance Commission | National


News in Development

We are gathering more background on this news, stay tuned for updates.

From 10:00 this Thursday the discussion began in the Finance Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of the Government project that allows a second withdrawal of 10% from the pension funds administered by the AFPs.

The project was presented by the Government in the last weeks of November, in parallel with a request of unconstitutionality to the Constitutional Court to stop the advance of the 10% retirement reform presented by opposition deputies.

The parliamentary initiative did not reach the necessary votes in the Senate, after senators from Chile Vamos took away their support, in favor of the Government’s project, which ended up being approved by the Upper House.

The project was approved yesterday Wednesday by the Chamber’s Labor Committee and this Thursday by the Finance Committee, where it was approved that the payment of taxes is from 1.5 million and that the AFPs have a term 10 days to pay the first installment.


Minute by minute

13:11 | Deputies decide to resume debate on the 10% project pending the report from the Finance Commission.

13:04 | They suspend the session of the Chamber of Deputies again, waiting for the report of the Finance Commission on the project to arrive.

12:51 | The Chamber of Deputies resumes debate and subsequent vote on the government project for a second withdrawal of 10% of the pension funds in the AFPs. First read the report of the Labor Commission, the socialist deputy Gastón Saavedra, then on the part of the Finance Commission, the DC, José Miguel Ortiz will do it.

12:24 | Session of the Chamber of the Chamber of Deputies is suspended momentarily, pending the report of the Finance Commission on the project of the second withdrawal of 10% of the pension funds.

| The Finance Commission generally approved the Government’s project for a second withdrawal of 10% of the pension funds, but rejected the Government’s indication that these resources be returned on a mandatory basis.
