With the votes of deputies from Chile Vamos, the Chamber declared inadmissible the bill entered by the PPD bench, which proposed to suspend the payment of the Credits with State Guarantee (CAE), in the event of an epidemic or pandemic, and when the respective health authority has declared a health alert.
Specifically, the entry of the proposal was rejected by 76 votes in favor, 62 against and 13 abstentions, which was mostly rejected by pro-government parliamentarians and some opposition abstentions, such as Pepe Auth (Ind), Carlos Abel Jarpa ( Ind-exPR), Pablo Lorenzini (exDC), Fernando Meza (exPR) and Jaime Tohá (PS).
The PPD deputies questioned this vote, arguing that article 65 number 3 of the Political Constitution was not being violated, because the project only seeks to suspend the collection of the CAE and the solidarity fund credit, not to forgive, therefore said credits would be maintained under the same terms established once the pandemic ends.
“The project establishes the impossibility of collecting these credits during the pandemic, therefore, it does not condone, it does not reduce, it does not modify the essence of the obligations contracted, which in our view means that this initiative is fully admissible” , explained the Head of the PPD bench, Raúl Soto.
Also, the parliamentarian summoned Chile Vamos for “preventing legislation on this benefit that is intended for young professionals who are today in debt.”
For her part, the deputy and member of the Education Commission, Cristina Girardi, indicated that “the first thing to say is that these resources are managed by banks, therefore, in the event that these payments are suspended, they would be banks and not the State which would stop receiving these resources. In other words, this bill does not affect the State’s resources ”.
“Secondly, this is not a waiver, but a suspension for the duration of the pandemic, as well as the suspension of circulation permits, which was declared admissible at the time. Same reason, same disposition, ”said Deputy Girardi.
Meanwhile, the also member of the Education Commission, Rodrigo González, maintained that “it is very regrettable that it was declared inadmissible, since it was in direct benefit of thousands of professional debtors of the CAE. In times of uncertainty as to what the spread of the pandemic is about, the cost of education cannot be an additional burden in the midst of the emergency we are experiencing. ”