A group of opposition deputies, led by Jaime Mulet (FRVS) and Rodrigo Gonzalez (PPD) will present this Tuesday, at 11:00 a.m., a draft constitutional reform to advance the elections of President of the Republic, Deputies and Senators for April 11, 2021.
The foregoing, according to the signatory parliamentarians, due “to the lack of responses from the Government and Parliament and thus legitimize the democratic system.”
Until the closing of this publication, according to information collected by BioBioChile, 8 parliamentarians had already confirmed their support for the presentation of the initiative, among which are Mulet, González, Esteban Velásquez (FRVS), René Alinco (IND), Karim Bianchi (IND), Guillermo Teillier (PC), Gastón Saavedra (PS) and Marcela Hernando (PS).
Meanwhile, the support of deputies Gabriel Ascensio (DC) and Patricio Rozas (IND) would still be in doubt.
“The social outbreak and all that it implies delegitimized political power. The annoyance of the citizens with the President, with the parliament is clear and I believe that the President has not had the capacity to lead this process (…) he is leading the country badly. It is delegitimized. We advance the elections and, in this way, the sovereign people elect a new President of the Republic. And a new parliament. And we all leave, hopefully without reelection. I think that is the path, patriotic today, so hard and so difficult. And to reach citizens with help with a second withdrawal of 10% ”, Mulet, one of the main promoters of the initiative, announced on Monday.