Next Sunday is October 18 and it is one year since the start of the social outbreak. A week after the commemoration of the social protests that shook the country until before the pandemic, new demonstrations are registered at this time, in which hundreds of people participate, in the Plaza Italia sector, giving way, between shouts and banners , to incidents and traffic cuts.
The call brought together a greater number of participants than other Fridays and also occurs one week after the event that occurred at the Pío Nono Bridge, where a child under 16 years of age was pushed to the bed of the Mapocho River by an amount of Special Forces who are now in preventive detention as a result of what happened.
Video via Twitter: @primeralineapr
Video via Twitter: @MegafonoPopular
As is traditional in these calls, the citizen demonstration has been mixed with incidents involving some young people who attacked a Transantiago bus and broke traffic lights in the sector, as the Carabineros denounced on their Twitter account. “As mayor, we can no longer do it,” said Mayor Felipe Alessandri at 24 Hours for the excesses in Alameda.
Carabineros has acted with water carts to disperse the protesters, but they were reunited after a few minutes. The incidents also forced the closure of the entrances to the Universidad Católica and Baquedano Metro stations.
“At the moment vehicular traffic is interrupted on the north road of Plaza Baquedano towards the west. Due to subjects occupying the public road. Public Order Control personnel in the place. Drivers look for alternative routes,” the institution reported in Twitter
Video via Twitter: @Carabdechile