Groups of people arrived this Friday afternoon to the Plaza Baquedano sector to demonstrate in the so-called “ground zero” of the protests in the capital after October 18, 2019.
In the place there were cacerolazos of sympathizers for the “Approve” in the constitutional plebiscite of the next month.
In the commune of Santiago, in the transition phase due to the coronavirus pandemic, the grouping of more than 10 in open spaces is not allowed. In Providencia, meanwhile, the maximum number of people allowed is 50 as it is in the preparation phase. This, within the framework of the State of Constitutional Catastrophe Exception that has been in force since March 19.
According to images from Galería Cima, Carabineros Public Order Control personnel acted with two water cars to disperse the protesters. Until 6.30 pm people kept arriving at the place.
As reported by the uniformed police after 5:00 p.m., about 30 people proceeded to interrupt the traffic of vehicles at the intersection of Avenida Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins with Vicuña Mackenna.
Around 7:00 p.m., making a preliminary report, Carabineros indicated that due to the concentration of more than 100 people in the placer, personnel from the Public Order Control Prefecture made 20 arrests for disorderly.
The Ministry of Transport reported, meanwhile, that due to incidents in the sector, it proceeded to divert public transport. To the east by Diagonal Paraguay and to the west by Del Arzobispo.
The Metropolitan Mobility Network also announced a series of “preventive detours” for buses that usually travel through Villa Francia, in Central Station, Los Hermida in Peñalolén and La Pincoya in Huechuraba. The measure was applied “For greater safety of our users and drivers”, pointed out.