Demonstration in Alameda generates clashes and traffic cuts


A demonstration takes place this afternoon in the middle of Alameda, on the outskirts of the Central House of the University of Chile, in the center of Santiago.

As a result of the concentration -convened by social networks with the aim of reaching La Moneda-, the traffic remains interrupted in the sector.

According to the Carabineros, about 150 people have come to the protest.

In the demonstration they have seen canvases and banners against the government and demanding the freedom of detained persons in the context of the social outbreak, that some sectors of the population and of the opposition consider like “political prisoners”.

Public Order Control Personnel (former Special Forces) of the Carabineros are at the scene. They have registered clashes between protesters and soldiers, that also works with the car, launches waters to disperse them.

In this context, the Transporte Informa platform reported detours in the Alameda both for collective locomotion and for private vehicles.

The situation also affects the pedestrian traffic, since the north sidewalk in the Alameda with Paseo Ahumada is cut off by the uniformed police.

At around 6:30 p.m. it was reported that the situation had shifted to the vicinity of the La Moneda Palace, so the perimeter was closed.

Metro de Santiago also reported that access to the Universidad de Chile station, Lines 1 and 3, are closed due to the demonstration abroad. The same happens in La Moneda station.
