25 December, 2020 | Posted at 12:57
25 December, 2020 | Posted at 12:57
Demi Lovato uploaded reflection on eating disorders and self-love with sincere postcards
Demi Lovato uploaded reflection on eating disorders and self-love with sincere postcards
During this Friday the singer Demi Lovato shared an important step for her personal health, revealing that she is recovering from her eating disorders.
With a postcard of her natural body, the American interpreter reflected on how she saw this type of disease a few years ago, without expecting to obtain an improvement.
“I really believed that recovery from an eating disorder was not real. That everyone was faking it or secretly relapsing behind closed doors. ‘Surely she vomits here and there’, Maybe she can’t accept her cellulite! ‘ Those are just some of the things that I used to say to myself growing up, ”she began counting.
Then, it revealed how it has managed to overcome that barrier. “I am very grateful to be able to say for the first time in my life that my doctor looked at me and said: ‘This is what recovering from an eating disorder looks like’, wrote.
In this way, Lovato wanted to share some images of her body, specifically her stretch marks as a sign of the self-love that she cultivates today. “This was a little session I did this summer in quarantine when I wanted to celebrate my stretch marks instead of being ashamed of them. I started using glitter paint to celebrate my body and all its features, ”she said.
“My stretch marks don’t go away so I threw a little glitter on them. I leave this to be a reminder for anyone who does not believe that it is possible, “he said, adding that:” This year was difficult. Be kind to yourself if you fail and remember to get back on track because you deserve it ”.
You can check the postcard below: