The Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, supported this Monday the synchronization of the anti-drug and weapons search operation carried out on Thursday in the Mapuche community of Temucuicui, in Ercilla, which took place the same day when the Justice announced the verdict for the crime of the young community member Camilo Catrillanca, who resided there.
The procedure mobilized about 800 troops and during its development the detective died of a gunshot Luis Morales Balcázar, Inspector of the Investigative Police (PDI).
“There are no good or bad days to enforce the law; the verdict of the Catrillanca case had been postponed several times and these operations are traced over time, resources must be mobilized and, of course, once decisions are made, including due to security issues and possible leaks of information, it is very difficult to run that date, “said Minister Delgado.
In addition, he stressed that entry into the community was a signal given by the state.
“That signal of entering a place and giving a signal that the State can enforce the rule of law seems to me to be key,” said the Secretary of State.
“The third thing is that the PDI, when it enters the place, encounters organizations that have a firepower that, perhaps, was not imaginable,” he added.
The director of the institution, Hector Espinosa, explained today before the Senate Security Committee, which analyzed the procedure, that “The eventual attendance of the Mapuche communities (to the court) could imply (that there were) a smaller number of people not involved in the investigation (in the community) and it could distract certain surveillance mechanisms used by criminals, facilitating entry. “