DEIS: Seven regions reach record deaths associated with Covid-19 during March and Chile exceeds 31 thousand deaths


The rebound in coronavirus cases, which has been evident weeks ago, caused alarms to go off due to the effect this has had, for example, on the growing number of patients with Covid-19 in Intensive Care Units (ICU) . However, this “second wave” has also left another worrying data: as of March 31, seven regions reached record deaths associated with the disease -confirmed and suspect- and the total number of deaths exceeded 31 thousand.

This is how the Department of Health Statistics and Information (DEIS) of the Ministry of Health, after updating -in hours this afternoon- the data on deaths linked to this virus.

Until that date, The agency recorded 31,303 deaths from coronavirus: 23,524 corroborated by PCR -number reported this Saturday by Minsal- and 7,779 probable.

The Metropolitan region continues to be the area with the most deaths nationwide and concentrates more than half of the deaths in the country: 55% of confirmed deaths (12,956) and 54% of suspected (16,768).

Region Deaths confirmed by Covid-19 (as of March 31) Suspicious deaths due to Covid-19 (as of March 31)
Arica and Parinacota 354 103
Tarapacá 524 80
Antofagasta 877 249
Atacama 175 Sixty-five
Coquimbo 530 198
Valparaiso 1,950 854
Metropolitan 12,956 3,812
O’Higgins 906 387
Maule 1,008 344
Ñuble 411 177
Biobio 1,618 538
The Araucanía 703 372
The rivers 317 145
The lakes 815 3. 4. 5
Aysén 28 17
Magellan 351 91
Chile 23,524 7,779

March was positioned as the month with the most coronavirus infections to date (170,583 positives), but it was also one of the months with the most deaths attributable to the disease.

In fact, Covid-19 deaths represented 32% of all deaths registered by the DEIS during March (11,099 deaths). That is, almost one in three deaths in March were attributed to this disease. It is the second highest percentage of the pandemic so far, behind only June.

In total, in the 31 days of March, 3,551 deaths were registered, placing it as the third month with the most deaths attributed to Covid-19 of the entire pandemic, adding confirmed and suspected. This, behind July (3,610) and June (6,497).

This was also reflected at the regional level: seven regions of the country reached peaks of deaths from the disease. Is about Coquimbo (146), Valparaíso (448), Ñuble (117), Biobío (437), La Araucanía (226) and Los Ríos (120). Arica y Parinacota, meanwhile, equaled their previous record (66) reported in February.

Although the capital did not register a record of deaths reported during March, it did have its worst figure since last July. In addition, for the first time since August, it once again exceeded a thousand suspected and confirmed deaths by Covid-19 in a month, reaching 1,163.

On the other hand, so far in 2021, ten regions have reached monthly peaks: to the seven already mentioned, they are added Aysén (9), Maule (216) and Los Lagos (283).
