He Department of Statistics and Information (DEIS) of the Ministry of Health encrypted this Saturday in 21,151 people died, between confirmed and probable cases, by Covid-19 in Chile.
According to the 26th Weekly Report of Deaths, as of December 10 there were 15,846 deaths with confirmed PCR examination.
The probable deceased -Waiting for confirmation or discard of contagion by Covid-19-, meanwhile, they are at 5,305.
According to this report, adding confirmed and probable deaths, the Metropolitana remains the region with the highest adjusted mortality rate per 100,000 inhabitants, with an index of 113.39. It is followed by that of Antofagasta (101.31) and Magellan (95.15).
On the other hand, the regions with the lowest rate are Aysén (14.17) and Los Ríos (15.01), followed by Ñuble (24.29), Los Lagos (25.84) and The Araucanía (25.88).
The mortality rate nationwide, meanwhile, is located in 67.90, considering confirmed and probable coronavirus deaths.
The deaths from Covid-19, confirmed and suspected, represent the 17.9 percent of all deaths of the country, according to the report.
On the last two weeks a total of 667 deaths have been registered by the virus, with an adjusted rate of 2.1 per 100,000 inhabitants nationwide during that period.
The 76th Epidemiological Report is now available # COVID-19 and the weekly Report of Deaths by # COVID-19.
Learn about the reports here: https://t.co/c8BQfSCtxx pic.twitter.com/oYEj9sEpoZ
– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) December 12, 2020
On the other hand, according to Epidemiological Report number 76, until December 10, Chile accumulated 646,340 cases of Covid-19 (567,974 with laboratory confirmation and 78,366 probable, without laboratory confirmation), with a rate of 3,321.7 infected per 100,000 inhabitants.
The highest cumulative incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants, according to laboratory-confirmed cases, are found in the regions of Magallanes (9,382), Tarapacá (4,318.2) and Metropolitan (4,287.7).
Of the confirmed and probable reported cases on the Epivigila platform, from Minsal, the median age is 38 years, where 6.65 percent corresponded to children under 15 years of age, 24.45 percent to people aged 15-29 years, 29.42 percent to patients 30-44 years old, 28.56 percent to infected patients aged 45-64 years, and the remaining 10.92 percent to the elderly aged 65 and over.