Defense Minister: “The violence has nothing to do with the thousands of peaceful protesters who came out to demand real issues”


Defense Minister Mario Desbordes affirmed that there is no precedent to confirm the presence of Venezuelan agents infiltrated in the social outbreak, as was the thesis put forward by the Government at the beginning of the crisis.

Likewise, the minister recalled that not only the president in charge of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, spoke of infiltration of Venezuelan agents, but also the incumbent president, Nicolás Maduro.

“It is not only Guaidó who says it. Maduro also appears, in more than one video, at the same time, boasting that what was planned was working out. He says it openly, in Chile what was planned is working out, he says, in the Sao Paulo Forum . They are on the web, for those who want to see them. That is what Maduro himself says “, said the minister Desbordes to Bio Bío.

“Now, I have no background to confirm that thesis. There are several detainees during the outbreak, of those who participated in acts of violence, who are foreigners and that is another hard piece of information,” he added.

Violence and the social outbreak

“From there to thinking that this was planned, it was done from the outside, I have no precedent for that. One has to be careful, separate violence from peaceful demonstrations,” he emphasized.

He also pointed out that “the violence was very harsh. There are anarchist groups, anti-system groups. There is a mixture of things, which led to unusual violence in Chile and in Latin America that there had not been in recent years, in the world, except for the Spring Arab”.

However, he clarified that “this has nothing to do with the thousands of peaceful protesters who came out to demand real, concrete, objective questions, which no one can argue that they are true, that they are a matter of abuse or problems, of needs. Therefore, one thing is violence and quite another is the legitimate peaceful demonstration by hundreds of thousands of Chileans. “
