Three of the seven generals of the Carabineros High Command have already defined their defenses as a result of the reserved summary, carried out by the Institutional Comptroller’s Office.
They are Mauricio Rodríguez, head of the Metropolitan Area; Enrique Bassaletti, head of the Santiago East Zone; and Enrique Monrás, head of the Santiago Oeste Zone, who signed the lawyers Sergio Rodríguez, Carlos Cortés and Jorge Martínez to make their discharges.
The defenses of Rodríguez and Bassaletti made their first public reaction to the Comptroller’s summary this day, in which they regretted “that the reserve rules of this type of administrative act had been violated, since without having been notified at least two Generals have learned of the filing of charges against him ”.
“Regarding the merits of the charges made by the CGR, we must reiterate that the High Command of the Chilean Police, jointly and, in each case, individually within each of its powers, carried out and executed successively all reasonable actions and possible to prevent, prevent and punish eventual behaviors verified outside of protocol produced as a consequence of the multiple criminal acts that occurred since October 2019 and the serious damage to public order and safety known to all, ”the statement reads, spread by the newspaper Third.
“From this point of view, we have the intimate conviction that no administrative responsibility has been incurred, since all the aforementioned measures were taken, without omitting any action in accordance with the various situations that arose, all within the existing material and personnel capacities ”, they add.
On the other hand, they also attack the Comptroller, ensuring that “the exercise of sanctioning power must be exercised in accordance with current constitutional and legal norms, as well as respecting the principles and guarantees of all citizens. From this point of view, it is It is illegal for the CGR to interfere in these matters, since its knowledge corresponds exclusively and exclusively to the General Director of the Carabineros de Chile, all in accordance with the LOC that regulates them and the respective regulations ”.
“The CGR cannot enter into a pronouncement on the merit or legality of a technical decision in the use of means or personnel employed to safeguard public order, being matters that remain exclusively within the scope of action and decision of the Forces of Order. and Security. Likewise, in the manner in which the charges known so far have been formulated, it is rather a question of possible political responsibility for decisions or omissions, which in no case is within the scope of the CGR, but rather to the agencies and people established by the Constitution, on whom the aforementioned General Officers hierarchically depend ”, they explain.
Along these lines, the defenders argue that the Comptroller’s Office is raising administrative charges on an issue where it has no jurisdiction: “Notwithstanding the foregoing, we believe that in this ‘onslaught’ by the CGR there has been a serious competition problem and that it could be constitutive of a case of misuse of power, since from the tenor of the known charges, what is sought is the determination of possible criminal responsibility of the General Officers. The foregoing is a matter that is known to the Courts of Justice, therefore, according to the LOC of the CGR, it must refrain from knowing these matters. It is, apparently of the undersigned, a very serious infringement of the country’s institutional framework ”.